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Read the story and write the verbs in a suitable form (passive or active) in the spaces. Follow the example.

Is It Better To Have Loved And Lost?

I (love) her with an uncontrollable passion.

We normally spend our lives simply existing. But occasionally something (happen) which wakes us up and makes us (feel) alive.

Her name was Ann-Marie, a tall, dark-haired, brown-eyed beauty from France. I respectfully (admire) her from a distance while she (go out) with my best friend, but when they (break up) I (open) my arms to her and (give) her my shoulder to cry on. We (become) a couple and (rent) a flat together near the sea.

I (remember) the look on her face when we (make) love. Her spirituality (take) her to a far away place. A place where only pleasure (exist). She (seem) to leave her body and fly away to play with the angels. I (never/know) such pure intensity before. I (never/love) with such passion by anyone since.

Plans were made, money (save) and possessions (sell). We (buy) plane tickets for Paris. The night before we (be) due to leave she (tell) me about Sean, my close friend. “I (sleep) with him for three weeks”, she told me. “ But he (live) in America, and if I (go) with him, I (regret) it. My future is with you.

That night I (can/not) sleep. I (watch) the hours pass on the clock next to the bed. In the morning the phone (ring) while we (have) breakfast. It was Sean. “ I want (say) goodbye before you (leave)”, he said. “….and I want (apologize).”
“Our plane (leave) at 9.30 Sean, I have to go”, I replied coldly. “I can’t forgive you Sean, you know why, don’t you? If I (am) you, I (learn) how to be a good friend. You’re a selfish, self-centred bastard, Sean!” I (hang up) the phone.

Ann-Marie and I (pack) our lives in two large boxes and (ship) them to Marseilles. We (arrive) at the airport just as our flight (call). “Last call for Air France flight AF404 to Paris, now (board) at gate number 15.”

People often (look) for love and (be) unhappy when it (not/come). They think it (make) them complete. It does, for a while, but it (not/last). Nothing lasts. We started arguing. There was no trust in our relationship. The laughter and affection that we used to have (replace) by jealousy and suspicion. Money (become) a problem. She was bored and unemployed, I was drinking too much. We fought, (shout), accused and (search) for the love we (lose) a long time ago in a different country. Eventually we (say) goodbye. She (need) medical help to get her life together. I (need/be) alone, to think, to lose myself in work and save money for a fresh start.

It (be) a long time ago. I hope that Ann-Marie and Sean (be) both happy. I am more careful now when I (wish) for things, just in case I (get) what I wish for.

La Mansión del Inglés.
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