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Speaking about the weather

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Speaking about the weather

Good weather

Sunny – soleado
The sun is shining, It’s sunny – hace sol
Fine – bueno
Bright, clear – despejado (It’s a lovely day)
To be hot, To be warm – hacer calor
Heatwave – ola de calor (Drought – sequía / flood – inundación)
Wind – viento (it’s windy)
Breeze – brisa

Bad weather

Cloud – nube (it’s cloudy – nublado)
Rain – lluvia
It’s raining – está lloviendo
Downpour, shower – aguacero, chaparrón, chubasco
It’s pouring (with rain)
Rainbow – arco iris
Cool – fresco
chilly – frío (I’m a bit chilly)
It´s crisp, nippy
It is very cold – hace mucho frío
Dull – gris
Mist, fog – niebla (It’s misty, foggy); smog (smoke + fog)
snow – nieve (It’s snowing)
Hail – granizo
Frost – escarcha
Storm – tormenta
Thunder – trueno
Lightning – relámpago, rayo
Damp (NOUN/ADJ.) – húmedo / humedad (con frío)
Humid (NOUN) – húmedo (con calor); humidity (ADJ.) – humedad (con calor)
It’s humid – which countries have a humid climate?

Temperature is measured in degrees: it’s 22 degrees C, it’s 78 degrees F. It’s 2 below zero.

boiling, baking, roasting, sweltering – very, very hot
freezing, ice-cold – very, very cold
overcast, a blanket of cloud – nublado

Extreme weather: tsunamis, hurricanes, typhoons, tornados, floods

Talking about the weather

Nice day, isn’t it?
What a lovely / beautiful day!
Is it cold out? / What’s it like out?
What’s the weather like?
Lovely weather for the time of year!
What’s the forecast for tomorrow? (forecast – predicción, pronóstico)
I’m hot (not I have heat), cold, freezing (I’m freezing – me estoy congelando), boiling – estoy hirviendo)


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