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LACED MUTTON. A prostitute.
LACING. Beating. I’ll lace your jacket handsomely.
LADDER. To go up the ladder to rest; to be hanged.
LADY. A crooked or hump-backed woman.
LADY OF EASY VIRTUE. A woman of the town, an impure, a prostitute.
LADYBIRDS. Light or lewd women.
LAG. A man transported. The cove was lagged for a drag. The man was
transported for stealing something out of a waggon.
LAG FEVER. A term of ridicule applied to men who being under sentence of
transportation, pretend illness, to avoid being sent from gaol to the
TO LAG. To drop behind, to keep back. Lag last; the last of a company.
LAGE. Water. .
LAGE OF DUDS. A buck of linen.
To LAMB, or LAMBASTE. To beat. Lamb pye; a beating:
from lambo.
LAMB’S WOOL. Apples roasted and put into strong ale.
LAMBSKIN MEN. The judges: from their robes lined and bordered with ermine.
LAMP. An eye. The cove has a queer lamp. The man has a blind or squinting
LAND. How lies the land? How stands the reckoning? Who has any land in
Appleby? a question asked the man at whose door the glass stands long, or
who does not ciculate it in due time.
LAND LOPERS, or LAND LUBBERS. Vagabonds lurking about the country who
subsist by pilfering.
LAND PIRATES. Highwaymen.
LANK SLEEVE. The empty sleeve of a one armed man.
A fellow with a lank sleeve; a man who has lost an arm.
LANSPRISADO. One who has only two-pence in his pocket. Also a lance, or
deputy corporal; that is, one doing the duty without the pay of a
corporal. Formerly a lancier, or horseman, who being dismounted by the
death of his horse, served in the foot, by the title of lansprisado, or
lancepesato, a broken lance.
LANTHORN-JAWED. Thin-visaged: from their cheeksbeing almost transparent.
Or else, lenten jawed; i.e. having the jaws of one emaciated by a too
rigid observation of Lent. Dark lanthorn; a servant or agent at court, who
receives a bribe for his principal or master.
LAP. Butter-milk or whey. .
LARK. A boat.
LARK. A piece of merriment. People playing together jocosely.
LARRY DUGAN’S EYE WATER. Blacking: Larry Dugan was a famous shoe-black at
LATCH. Let in.
LATHY. Thin, slender. A lathy wench; a girl almost as slender as a lath.
LATITAT. A nick-name for an attorney; from the name of a writ.
LAVENDER. Laid up in lavender; pawned.
LAUGH. To laugh on the wrong side of the mouth; to cry. I’ll make him
laugh on the wrong (or t’other) side of his mouth.
LAUNCH. The delivery, or labour, of a pregnant woman; a crying out or
LAW. To give law to a hare; a sporting term, signifying to give the animal
a chance of escaping, by not setting on the dogs till the hare is at some
distance; it is also more figuratively used for giving any one a chance of
succeeding in a scheme or project.
LAY. Enterprize, pursuit, or attempt: to be sick of the lay. It also means
a hazard or chance: he stands a queer lay; i.e. he is in danger. .
LAYSTALL. A dunghill about London, on which the soil brought from
necessary houses is emptied; or, in more technical terms, where the old
gold collected at weddings by the Tom t—d man, is stored.
LAZY. As lazy as Ludman’s dog, who leaned against the wall to bark.
LAZY MAN’S LOAD. Lazy people frequently take up more than they can safely
carry, to save the trouble of coming a second time.
LAZYBONES. An instrument like a pair of tongs, for old or very fat people
to take any thing from the ground without stooping.
LEAF. To go off with the fall of the leaf; to be hanged:
criminals in Dublin being turned off from the outside of the prison by the
falling of a board, propped up, and moving on a hinge, like the leaf of a
table. IRISH TERM.
TO LEAK. To make water.
LEAKY. Apt to blab; one who cannot keep a secret is said to be leaky.
LEAPING OVER THE SWORD. An ancient ceremonial said to constitute a
military marriage.
LEAST IN SIGHT. To play least in sight; to hide, keep out of the way, or
make one’s self scarce.
LEATHER. To lose leather; to be galled with riding on horseback, or, as
the Scotch express it, to be saddle sick. To leather also meant to beat,
perhaps originally with a strap: I’ll leather you to your heart’s content.
Leather-headed; stupid. Leathern conveniency; term used by quakers for a
LEERY. On one’s guard.
LEFT-HANDED WIFE. A concubine; an allusion to an ancient German custom,
according to which, when a man married his concubine, or a woman greatly
his inferior, he gave her his left hand.
LEG. To make a leg; to bow. To give leg-bail and land security; to run
away. To fight at the leg; to take unfair advantages: it being held unfair
by back-sword players to strike at the leg. To break a leg; a woman who
has had a bastard, is said to have broken a leg.
LEGGERS. Sham leggers; cheats who pretend to sell smuggled goods, but in
reality only deal in old shop-keepers or damaged goods.
LENTEN FARE. Spare diet.
LETCH. A whim of the amorous kind, out of the common way.
LEVITE. A priest or parson.
TO LIB. To lie together. .
LIBBEGE. A bed. .
LIBBEN. A private dwelling-house. .
LIBKEN. A house to lie in. .
TO LICK. To beat; also to wash, or to paint slightly over. I’ll give you a
good lick o’ the chops; I’ll give you a good stroke or blow on the face.
Jack tumbled into a cow t—d, and nastied his best clothes, for which his
father stept up, and licked him neatly.—I’ll lick you! the dovetail to
which is, If you lick me all over, you won’t miss--.
LICKSPITTLE. A parasite, or talebearer.
LIFT. To give one a lift; to assist. A good hand at a dead lift; a good
hand upon an emergency. To lift one’s hand to one’s head; to drink to
excess, or to drink drams. To lift or raise one’s elbow; the same.
LIFTER. A crutch.
LIG. A bed. See LIB.
LIGHT BOB. A soldier of the light infantry company.
LIGHT-FINGERED. Thievish, apt to pilfer.
LIGHT-HEELED. Swift in running. A light-heeled wench; one who is apt, by
the flying up of her heels, to fall flat on her back, a willing wench.
LIGHT HOUSE. A man with a red fiery nose.
LIGHT TROOPS. Lice; the light troops are in full march; the lice are
crawling about.
LTGHTMANS. The day. .
LIGHTNING. Gin. A flash of lightning; a glass of gin.
LIKENESS. A phrase used by thieves when the officers or turnkeys are
examining their countenance. As the traps are taking our likeness; the
officers are attentively observing us.
LILIPUTIAN. A diminutive man or woman: from Gulliver’s Travels, written by
Dean Swift, where an imaginary kingdom of dwarfs of that name is
LILY WHITE. A chimney-sweeper.
LILY SHALLOW. (WHIP SLANG) A white driving hat.
LIMBS. Duke of limbs; a tall awkward fellow.
LIMB OF THE LAW. An inferior or pettyfogging attorney.
LIMBO. A prison, confinement.
To LINE. A term for the act of coition between dog and bitch.
LINE OF THE OLD AUTHOR. A dram of brandy.
LINE. To get a man into a line, i.e. to divert his attention by a
ridiculous or absurd story. To humbug.
LINGO. Language. An outlandish lingo; a foreign tongue.
LION. To tip the lion; to squeeze the nose of the party tipped, flat to
his face with the thumb. To shew the lions and tombs; to point out the
particular curiosities of any place, to act the ciceroni: an allusion to
Westminster Abbey, and the Tower, where the tombs and lions are shewn. A
lion is also a name given by the gownsmen of Oxford to an inhabitant or
visitor. It is a standing joke among the city wits to send boys and
country folks, on the first of April, to the Tower-ditch, to see the lions
LIQUOR. To liquor one’s boots; to drink before a journey: among Roman
Catholics, to administer the extreme unction.
LITTLE BREECHES. A familiar appellation used to a little boy.
LITTLE CLERGYMAN. A young chimney-sweeper.
LITTLE EASE. A small dark cell in Guildhall, London, where disorderly
apprentices are confined by the city chamberlain: it is called Little Ease
from its being so low that a lad cannot stand upright in it.
LITTLE SNAKESMAN. A little boy who gets into a house through the
sink-hole, and then opens the door for his accomplices: he is so called,
from writhing and twisting like a snake, in order to work himself through
the narrow passage.
LIVE LUMBER. A term used by sailors, to signify all landsmen on board
their ships.
LIVE STOCK. Lice or fleas.
LOAF. To be in bad loaf, to be in a disagreeable situation, or in trouble.
LOB. A till in a tradesman’s shop. To frisk a lob; to rob a till. See
LOB. Going on the lob; going into a shop to get change for gold, and
secreting some of the change.
LOB’S POUND. A prison. Dr. Grey, in his notes on Hudibras, explains it to
allude to one Doctor Lob, a dissenting preacher, who used to hold forth
when conventicles were prohibited, and had made himself a retreat by means
of a trap door at the bottom of his pulpit. Once being pursued by the
officers of justice, they followed him through divers subterraneous
passages, till they got into a dark cell, from whence they could not find
their way out, but calling to some of their companions, swore they had got
into Lob’s Pound.
LOBCOCK. A large relaxed penis: also a dull inanimate fellow.
LOBKIN. A house to lie in: also a lodging.
LOBLOLLEY BOY. A nick name for the surgeon’s servant on board a man of
war, sometimes for the surgeon himself: from the water gruel prescribed to
the sick, which is called loblolley.
LOBONIAN SOCIETY. A society which met at Lob Hall, at the King and Queen,
Norton Falgate, by order of Lob the great.
LOBSCOUSE. A dish much eaten at sea, composed of salt beef, biscuit and
onions, well peppered, and stewed together.
LOBSTER. A nick name for a soldier, from the colour of his clothes. To
boil one’s lobster, for a churchman to become a soldier: lobsters, which
are of a bluish black, being made red by boiling. I will not make a
lobster kettle of my ****, a reply frequently made by the nymphs of the
Point at Portsmouth, when requested by a soldier to grant him a favour.
LOCK. A scheme, a mode. I must fight that lock; I must try that scheme.
LOCK. Character. He stood a queer lock; he bore but an indifferent
character. A lock is also a buyer of stolen goods, as well as the
receptacle for them.
LOCK HOSPITAL. An hospital for venereal patients.
LOCK UP HOUSE. A spunging house; a public house kept by sheriff’s
officers, to which they convey the persons they have arrested, where they
practise every species of imposition and extortion with impunity. Also
houses kept by agents or crimps, who enlist, or rather trepan, men to
serve the East India or African company as soldiers.
LOCKERAM-JAWED. Thin-faced, or lanthorn-jawed. See LANTHORN JAWED.
LOGGERHEAD. A blockhead, or stupid fellow. We three loggerheads be: a
sentence frequently written under two heads, and the reader by repeating
it makes himself the third. A loggerhead is also a double-headed, or bar
shot of iron. To go to loggerheads; to fall to fighting.
LOLL. Mother’s loll; a favourite child, the mother’s darling,
LOLL TONGUE. He has been playing a game at loll tongue; he has been
LOLLIPOPS. Sweet lozenges purchased by children.
TO LOLLOP. To lean with one’s elbows on a table.
LOLLPOOP. A lazy, idle drone.
LOMBARD FEVER. Sick of the lombard fever; i.e. of the idles.
LONG ONE. A hare; a term used by poachers.
LONG. Great. A long price; a great price.
LONG GALLERY. Throwing, or rather trundling, the dice the whole length of
the board.
LONG MEG. A jeering name for a very tall woman: from one famous in story,
called Long Meg of Westminster.
LONG SHANKS. A long-legged person.
LONG STOMACH. A voracious appetite.
LONG TONGUED. Loquacious, not able to keep a secret. He is as long-tongued
as Granny: Granny was an idiot who could lick her own eye. See GRANNY.
LONG-WINDED. A long-winded parson; one who preached long, tedious sermons.
A long-winded paymaster; one who takes long credit.
LOO. For the good of the loo; for the benefit of the company or community.
LOOBY. An awkward, ignorant fellow.
LOOKING AS IF ONE COULD NOT HELP IT. Looking like a simpleton, or as if
one could not say boh! to a goose.
LOOKING-GLASS. A chamber pot, jordan, or member mug.
LOON, or LOUT. A country bumkin, or clown.
LOONSLATE. Thirteen pence halfpenny.
LOOPHOLE. An opening, or means of escape. To find a loophole in an act of
parliament; i.e. a method of evading it,
LOP-SIDED. Uneven, having one side larger or heavier than the other: boys’
paper kites are often said to be lop-sided.
TO LOPE. To leap, to run away. He loped down the dancers; he ran down
LORD. A crooked or hump-backed man.
LOUSE. A gentleman’s companion. He will never louse a grey head of his
own; he will never live to be old.
LOUNGE. A loitering place, or gossiping shop.
LOUSE BAG. A black bag worn to the hair or wig.
LOUSE HOUSE. The round house, cage, or any other place of confinement.
LOUSE LADDER. A stitch fallen in a stocking.
LOUSE LAND. Scotland.
LOUSE TRAP. A small toothed comb.
LOUT. A clumsy stupid fellow.
LOWING RIG. Stealing oxen or cows.
LOW PAD. A footpad.
LOW TIDE, or LOW WATER. When there is no money in a man’s pocket.
LOWRE. Money. .
LUBBER. An awkward fellow: a name given by sailors to landsmen.
LUCK, or GOOD LUCK. To tread in a surreverence, to be bewrayed: an
allusion to the proverb, Sh-tt-n luck is good luck.
LUD’S BULWARK. Ludgate prison.
LUGS. Ears or wattles. See WATTLES.
LULLABY CHEAT. An infant. .
LULLIES. Wet linen. .
LULLY TRIGGERS. Thieves who steal wet linen. .
LUMB. Too much.
LUMBER. Live lumber; soldiers or passengers on board a ship are so called
by the sailors.
LUMBER TROOP. A club or society of citizens of London.
LUMBER HOUSE. A house appropriated by thieves for the reception of their
stolen property.
To LUMP. To beat; also to include a number of articles under one head.
To LUMP THE LIGHTER. To be transported.
LUMPERS. Persons who contract to unload ships; also thieves who lurk about
wharfs to pilfer goods from ships, lighters, &c.
LUMPING. Great. A lumping penny worth; a great quantity for the money, a
bargain. He has’got a lumping penny-worth; frequently said of a man who
marries a fat woman.
LUN. Harlequin.
LURCH. To be left in the lurch; to be abandoned by one’s confederates or
party, to be left in a scrape.
LURCHED. Those who lose a game of whist, without scoring five, are said to
be lurched.
LURCHER. A lurcher of the law; a bum bailiff, or his setter.
LURRIES. Money, watches, rings, or other moveablcs.
LUSH. Strong beer.
TO LUSH. To drink.
LUSHEY. Drunk. The rolling kiddeys hud a spree, and got bloody lushey; the
dashing lads went on a party of pleasure, and got very drunk.
LYE. Chamber lye; urine. |
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