1. I went completely
when I found out my son had dropped my Ipad off
the balcony.
2. We had quite a argument at work last Tuesday and Tom hasn’t
talked to me since.
3. Please don’t be with me. I promise I’ll never do it again.
4. When my dad found out we’d broken the window on purpose,
he flew into a and wouldn’t let us go out for a month.
5. Simon’s going to blow his when he finds out he hasn’t got the promotion.
6. The hotel manager was trying to deal with an extremely
customer when suddenly he hit him in the mouth.
7. When my dad was younger he used to embarrass the whole
family with his sudden of temper.
8. Last time my friends from the UK came to visit us in
Spain, the holiday was spoiled by their 7-year-old daughter
who was constantly throwing about absolutely everything.
1. What goes around…
2. What does that have to do with…
3. Too many cooks…
4. Absence makes…
5. A change is as good as…
6. A fool and his money…
7. Actions speak louder…
8. All mouth and…
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